Channeling inspiration
Have you ever written something so profound that when you go back and reread it, it doesn’t sound like you at all? It doesn’t sound like something you would write but it had a deep meaning for you.
I used to do that a lot, I would get the urge to write (like now) and just go to town typing or writing and then wake up the next morning and reread it, it’s not my voice or any context I would normally write in. I will even quote one of my entries from 2008.
“ Now the hard part...slow it down. Life gets in the way sometimes and only serves to inspire something else, good or bad, it will always reflect, and channeling that into something creative is one of the greatest forms of expression. You may find that others can see that place that you're in and share it with you. “
“What inspires you? Where do you go from there...This thought provoking question came while looking at...a flower, wilting. How something so simple can create a flow of thoughts and ideas and wonderment, inspiration. We all have some sort of routine we follow everyday, whether we like it or not, but its the little things that grab our attention and break us out of that monotony, that are too often overlooked, that may spark an interest in Something. It could be anything from the subtlety of a glance, to the way a song captured the way you were feeling at the moment, the way the sun glared over the horizon at sunrise, even a dream.
Its a simple chain of thought that leads to an eventual reaction, some people feel the need to paint, sing, write a song, a poem, take a picture, do something that takes them even more out of that routine. Create.
How far can inspiration take us? Can that one thing that inspired you, trigger something in yourself to create, and be an inspiration to someone else? I think so, I think its just a matter of passing along that feeling, even if its unintended. Imagination has no boundaries.
Just a thought......”
I remember feeling inspired while typing this but also that intense anxiety that I just HAD to write it down that feels so familiar now when I’m picking up on spirit. It starts to make sense.
We are all spirit, so to channel inspiration from our higher selves, spirit or whatever you want to call it only provides a deeper insight into what we are all capable of. I think this lends to part of the reason I wanted to keep a blog/journal of my journey to look back on these experiences and reflect.
Time goes by and life goes on, endlessly chasing the sunset.
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