Hearing Names

 I’m trying to find a better way to connect without losing the connection midway. Thursday I had a decent reading with the same person, it started off well, I got a good description of him and heard the name for only the second time I can remember which is astonishing to me. Names are one of my weaknesses and I feel like its slowly coming along. So I was getting a description of him and then I felt my energy drop and was struggling to get info and I think that’s where it began to turn.

I was still getting a description but I don’t think it was relevant to the same person. I could tell by the look on my sitters face it was going south but she could confirm the entire beginning, even the name. Looking back on last week, I did notice something new, the sitter wears glasses and when I’m reading, I try not to look at them but past them so as not to get distracted. As I was describing this person, I kept glancing at her glasses and it just kept getting my attention. I pointed it out to the sitter and I said, sorry, I keep trying to look past you but your glasses keep catching my attention. She mentioned that the person I was describing wore glasses and that’s potentially a way for them to show you that. It was an interesting tidbit that I’ll keep in mind for next time.

This entire week I haven’t felt the draw to connect like I have in past weeks. I tried sitting in the power this afternoon to see if that helped but my mind just keeps drifting, its hard to concentrate and I know I have a lot to focus on outside of this subject. I want to keep improving and learning but other things in life just need my attention now.

I also feel like I have a blockage in my chakra, I asked my guides to help me identify where and I was given 2 colors, orange and green which are the sacral and heart. I kind of figured the heart chakra was blocked, I need a good cry I think, not that I’m depressed but I feel out of touch with my emotions a bit and that’s unusual for me. Again, distractions in life.

On a lighter note, Ive been seeing a lot of signs lately that are grabbing my attention in a not subtle way so I know something is on the horizon. I’m anxious to know what it is, I’ll probably consult the cards later tomorrow. Maybe try a reading as well, its a slower day and I’ll make time.


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