Stigmas within the mediumship community

 I’m back after what seems like forever. I just have a few thoughts to add that have been floating around waiting to be put on paper. I just wanted to address a thought that’s been bugging me when I read through groups that discuss mediumship.

There is this stigma that’s been around probably for a long while that only certain people are ‘born’ with the ‘gift’ of mediumship. I truly don’t like that idea, the thought that there are only the special ones that communicate with spirit and that you have to be born with it or it was passed down from so and so relative or you had to receive some sort of early trauma or the list goes on. I hear it all the time and it just puts this into a category that is so limited and breeds exclusivity. I don’t believe any of it. We are spirit, there are factors that can influence how open/receptive we are early on or late in life. There is absolutely nothing stopping us from communicating except Ourselves.

If you choose to not believe in the survival of consciousness after death, of course that will influence your receptivity as does the opposite. There are those that are sensitive to their surroundings, others emotions, temperature, mood, you name it, that can leave the door more open for those. On the other side of the coin, if you choose to constrict your beliefs and choose not to be open to different perspectives and even lack the emotional capacity to be receptive to others, that just leaves your door less open. It wont stop spirit from trying to communicate, that person just might not be open to acknowledging the communication.

Ive met a variety of people from different walks of life, some very receptive to spirit and some not so much. It’s not my job to persuade someone to share my beliefs, if they are curious then its nice to spark a conversation on the subject. Ive met some that were desperate to communicate but couldn’t seem to make that connection (which is also based on that persons individual blocks, not spirit in my experience).

There’s also those that deal with fear and their own personal demons, influenced maybe by all the ridiculous tv shows on ghost hunting or having a bad personal experience. I can’t honestly say that there are ‘evil’ spirits because Ive had no experience with that nor do I believe that spirit can be evil. I know that people can manifest their own fears and project them just as you can project and manifest positive energy. Spirit are people, they had lives and just as you can get a feeling/vibe from a person, you can sense the type of person a spirit was in life as well.

I know I tend to go off on a tangent but I really wanted to clarify that Anyone can communicate with spirit, like playing an instrument, it may come easier to some than others but it doesn’t invalidate or lessen  that anyone can do it. I kind of liken it to learning a new language or skill, there are subtleties that are often overlooked and you have to learn to trust yourself. Without trust, you can quickly build a wall of doubt that can cloud the experience and second guess what you receive. One piece of advice someone told me long ago that’s stuck with me ever since and has been the single most important thing I remind myself before every reading…

Be Open and just Listen, don’t analyze, just be receptive.


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