Be in the moment

 Sometimes it can be hard to stay focused on your day to day needs and having to constantly plan for the future whether it be for the day, week, month, year etc. With all that we have to contend with in our daily lives and trying to keep up with life in general, it can be easy to lose focus on the here and now.

What does 'be in the moment' really mean though?

It's a simple enough idea yet it's a challenging concept to really grasp everyday. Once in a while we need a reminder. It's a state of slowing down and just paying attention to yourself. Check in with yourself. To those around you, have you overlooked the signs and messages that you're given? Have you felt run down energetically and find it hard to really narrow down why? I think that phrase, stop and smell the roses is similar in that it's telling you to appreciate what you have now. Give thanks to who you are in this moment and those around you.

There are cycles in life, ups and downs and it may be hard to appreciate all that you have when your in that up cycle but easy to miss all that you had when you're in the down cycle-if that makes sense.

The little signs and such that the universe is screaming at you, that voice in the back of your mind, that song that keeps repeating in the background, the numbers that repeatedly pop up, that smell that reminds you of someone or something that you haven't experienced in ages. These are all little things you notice when you're in the moment. Or things that try to pull you back so that you Can be in the moment.

Unplug for a bit, mentally and physically. Don't think of your to-do list, the odds and ends you keep flashing back to not forget, that random- oh yea and don't forget to....! Let it go and just be in the moment. 

You realize quickly that your senses become sharper and you might experience a flood of emotion that you really needed to feel but neglected to give your attention to. It's only difficult if you think it'll be difficult.

Joy, sorrow, excitement, calm- once you let go for a bit, you can learn to tune in to not only what your own body is telling you, but also others. You become more empathic, patient, mindful-because your thoughts are with you in this moment and not floating along in the future tense.

I write this for myself mostly as a reminder to listen to that little voice inside. If it resonates, then it must mean its time to listen as well.


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