Stop comparing yourself

 I remember someone once saying that in order to be a sucessful medium, one must sit in circle and practice for years. Upon hearing that, it both saddened me and frustrated me at the same time. I remember thinking-why? I understand that it truly is a lifelong journey and you're Always learning BUT why do I need to take tons of classes and devote all my time practicing when honestly, I just don't have time for that???

And then I came up with an answer that satisfied me and released the pressure I felt that I thought I was missing out on everything if I wasn't able to keep up with these established and renowned mediums. I don't have to. It can be done at your own pace, on your own time and freely whenever you feel the calling.

In the beginning, I didn't know what the hell to expect and I was trying too hard when I first realized that it was really spirit coming through. I had these preconceived notions of what a medium should be capable of and I was going against the grain in a sense. When I finally released things and noticed that everyone experiences things differently, I didn't feel like I absolutely had to be the best at hearing or knowing or even feeling. I had strong clairvoyance and worked on that, when I finally did begin to Hear spirit and heard my first accent, I felt like progress was being made. Spirit will Never let us down but we can absolutely block ourselves from receiving.

I saw all this as confirmation for myself (and anyone else who might be reading or need to hear it). We don't need to fit the mold. I thought that since I saw things in my head as like a short mini movie, it was my imagination and I was 'making things up' but ya know, Not.

I always wondered how some people could have this powerful team of guides that just communicated with them constantly, maybe I wasn't doing something right. We all compare ourselves to others, even in the esoteric field, as much as we try not to. We can tell ourselves all kinds of things to stop the flow, stop our progress or hinder us from continuing. 

Just know that if you've come this far, it won't stop. I for one, wouldn't want it to but there are those. I say all this because I've Never had the time, rarely had the opportunity but always wanted to progress. It's up to each person on how much they want to develop and you really need to look at the Reason behind why you keep going.

Obstacle after obstacle after obstacle, the drive has never stopped. Resources are always available at your disposal. I took a mentorship with someone many moons ago and she helped me prove to myself that I could do it and to stop thinking of it as such a hurdle and more of a skill.

Come to think of it, what made me even bring it up was because I was playing on my keyboard earlier and though I am not be formally trained (I play by ear), even after years of not playing, my muscles still remembered the keys of some of my favorite melodies. I started playing and it just came back, I just had to remember to not overthink it and let my hands remember. It's all connected.

Oh and my little experience I had recently-I was in a vacant house-photographing- and I remarked on how old it was, I love historical homes. I heard 2 things whispered in my ear. Agnes and Knot. I got a brief glimpse in my minds eye of a much older woman and her attributes. It made me smile and was one of those random moments where I felt the connection again. Later, I looked up the history of the home and lo and behold, the grandmother of a man named Knotts lived there previously-her name was Agnes.

"A flower doesn't compare itself to its neighbor, it just blooms."


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