How to improve your mediumship

How do you become a better medium?

Anyone can play the piano. Some people learn to play by ear and have an innate talent that allows them to play without much effort. Some may take years of intense practice. Both require practice to improve. The amount of effort and determination and basic desire to want to play piano is what creates a professional pianist. My point is, whether you're born with the ability or not, it is still a SKILL that can be developed. It's not a precious gift available only to the few, it's available to anyone who wants to learn.

There are things you can do every day to strengthen and hone that skill. Not just by giving readings or sitting in circle because let's be honest, dedication to these can fall between the cracks when life gets busy.

Let's start with a simple exercise, when you're having a conversation with someone - a friend, coworker, family, etc, how well are you truly listening? One of the keys to receiving information is to be open. Are you listening or thinking of your next response? If you're listening, you're being receptive, you are engaged in a way that you're receiving information without judgment or interpretation and also picking up emotions, tone and building a genuinely stronger connection with the person.

When we allow ourselves space to just be receptive, we open ourselves up to better communication. Opening to spirit is the same way, you just have to let go of expectations, don't question yourself. The less you are in your own way, the stronger the connection.

Another practical exercise is just people watching, it's an exercise in visualization. Look around at individuals, then close your eyes, what are they wearing, can you describe their hair, jewelry? Did they have a certain way they walked? What stands out about them? Then while keeping your eyes closed, what do you hear that you didn't notice while observing? Is there music in the background, laughing, dog barking, a baby babbling? Maybe even someone was humming a song. Heighten your senses so that you can better describe what you may be clairvoyantly or clairaudiently receiving but overlooking. Seeing spirit is different for everyone but it is very similar to closing your eyes and recalling details of a person but it's not a memory, it's in your minds eye.

Becoming aware of your own body, your own emotions. How are you feeling in the moment. Take note and then notice how you feel when surrounded by friends, family, co workers, crowds of strangers. Are you picking up on someone else's emotions? Did your mood suddenly change for no apparent reason when around particular people? Are you responding to their energy or did something they did or said trigger that emotion? Be present in how others' energy affects yours. This can help you in connecting with an emotion that may be projected from spirit or the sitter, learning ways to create boundaries around both.

Hone up on medical terms and conditions. If spirit is trying to show you how they passed (if that's something you want to work on though not required), then you'd have a better understanding and vocabulary on this topic. You might not know something as minute as how a blood clot can affect the brain or lungs, for example. Spirit might specifically show something to you that could help validate that for the sitter. You don't know what you don't know.

Lastly, work on a Sitting in the Power meditation. There are quite a few videos online of this technique and while everyone has their personal preference, it's a must when building your energy stores. There's a lot of information on the why's and how's, simply put, it'll give you the boost you need to maintain a connection when doing readings. This meditation can be done daily, regardless of your belief, it provides a connection to Source and helps you to Feel that connection. 

These are all small ways to build your senses to prepare you for creating a stronger and clearer connection with spirit, tuning your metaphorical instrument. So how do you become a better medium? Work on the senses you use everyday, they are the same senses you utilize to connect and if you put focus on them regularly, I promise you'll notice a difference.


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