The Brownie reading

Yesterday, I took a leap. A leap that I've been wanting to take for a long while now. 

I've been having trouble just finding time to be alone. When I do finally achieve alone time, I'm too tired or too distracted with daily mundane tasks to really connect spiritually. I've been feeling connected again, slowly that thread seemed to be pulling at me and I felt the need to try to give a reading.

So, I found a volunteer, someone I've never met before and gave them a disclaimer that it's been a long time since I've done a reading and likely may or may not connect but I was damn sure going to try.

Let me back up a bit. Prior to meeting this person, I put my intention out there that I needed the assistance of my guides and if they could help me build a strong connection and use my strongest Clair (clairvoyance) to help connect with the sitter. I asked that they give me info that the sitter could validate and come in clear and strong.

Before I even met this person, without trying and using my key phrase- 'Spirit On' -I know, silly but effective, I got an image of a brown dog and while letting my judgement fade, I got a name. I met the sitter and immediately relayed this information and she was able to validate Both. I don't normally receive names so this was BIG for me, especially since I've been asking my guides to help me with names recently.

This validation paved the way for the rest of the reading and I continued. I received piece after piece of information, I was even happy to hear the no's as well as it kept me motivated to not drop the link but to be open to the information coming in as well as not having any expectations. I did receive a piece of information about a child but the sitter couldn't take it, I gave a description and once she couldn't validate, I moved on. I then received a man and described him but mostly the odd hat he was wearing. The child came back and insisted that he was connected to the sitter and referenced the man. She could validate the man but still not the boy. I think in the long run, I might not have delved deep enough to give the correct info that he was giving me to present enough evidence. I pulled my energy back and we conversed.

That little leap made my day. I admit it's been a long while since I've done a reading and had lost faith in myself a bit. Building things up in my mind to had to take all these specific steps to create the connection. I just needed to honor spirit and acknowledge that they're always there, trust is not easy, especially when you're placing trust in yourself. 

One last thing, I think if it weren't for my guides assisting in bringing forth that very first validation that I truly needed, I would've crashed and burned the entire thing. They knew that I needed to prove to myself that I could do it, I needed to step out of my own way. I'll forever thank Brownie for showing up and giving me his name, the sitter couldn't even think of who I was describing until I said his name. So he knew that's exactly what she needed to hear to validate.

My future goal is to continue to practice and work with others to further strengthen this skill and also begin practicing Reiki. I'm Level 2 now and working towards the Master, it's not as complicated as I thought but I can't wait to really put it to use. I feel like I'm stepping into my own now and finding my purpose. It may not be my full time, day job but I really enjoy it and helping others and in a way that I feel I can help to the best of my abilities.


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