Communicating with your guides


Occasionally I sit and think about times when I'm working through a problem in my head and how the answers just pop out of nowhere. It's really not just me. Your guides are also coming through in ways you didn't realize, in your own inner voice even. When you're working through a problem in your mind and it seems like a two way conversation, most times it's just you working it out. Other times, when the answer or solution surprises you and you React to that inner voice, it's not just you. A thought that doesn't seem initiated by you or interrupts your train of thought that you React to are your guides.

It took me a Long time to realize that. It might be what some call an epiphany or a flash of insight. I even look back at some of my writing and it's not my tone, inflection or style of writing at all. It almost seems inspired by another person, not my own voice. It's interesting. They're usually very insightful, profound and even evocative thoughts that stream for an entire page, my fingers just dancing across the keyboard of their own volition.

On another note, I tried something today that I used to do all the time but haven't recently just because-no reason, just didn't think to. I did a short meditation to quiet my thoughts and calm my breath and I asked my guides to come close. There is a short exercise you can do to sense your guides presence and it works Every time. I even tried it without the intention to see if I could get the same sensation without success. Itfs1 proved to me that it's not just my imagination. Anyways, I asked them to come close and basically come into my auric field. Then I ask them to back away to feel the difference. Everyone experiences this differently but for me, I get a feeling of pressure on my left side. It's a pressure in my ears, like they are about to pop, a tightness in my chest and throat and tingles on my left shoulder. Also the sense of someone physically coming close to me, almost like if your sitting in a chair and someone stands within inches of touching you, you can sense them, not sure how else to describe it.

Anywho, I felt them and when I asked them to move back, the sensation became light and open again as if they stepped away. I also got an image of a man this time, though not the same one Ive been seeing. I used to see a woman so something has changed. I actually had a conversation with the woman before and it was amazing. I wrote it down somewhere but she gave me the strength and courage to actually begin doing readings and explained to me that I shouldn't be fearful. It was so uplifting I remember crying afterwards. A very powerful message that propelled me into this field in the first place. When I find where I wrote it, I'll be sure to copy it here.

I think I've always struggled with discernment because I have such a powerful imagination, I doubt myself constantly, even when all logical conclusions are exhausted. I'm one of those people that read a book and months later can't remember if I saw the movie or read the book because the imagery was so vivid in my head. I look to other peoples validation and experiences so that I can say, ok, that happens to me too so it must not just be in my head. Don't you love when you surprise yourself?

Flashback: 2011-ish, I met someone that absolutely shook my foundation of reality. He helped put me on this winding path of self discovery and I believe was put in my path for that purpose. There is a lot to go over with this person but one thing that's notable to this topic, he would challenge me with odd questions. Granted, I didn't know him well, we were acquaintances at work and we barely spoke but he was gifted and saw something in me. I don't remember exactly what he asked me but I remember every time I spoke with him, I'd hear this little melody in my head. At the time, I remember that I could sense other peoples guides for whatever reason. I didn't realize at the time that that's what was happening though. So, I told him that every time we spoke, I would hear this melody- "Jeremiah was a bullfrog"-though I didn't know the song well, I knew it was significant.

He told me that his guides name was Jerry, short for Jeremiah. He just stared at me in disbelief, it was one of the first times I had really had an in depth conversation with someone about guides and abilities. There were a few other things that came up and I really enjoyed sharing our interests. We quickly became friends and spoke more on the the subject but lost contact over the years as I left that job the following year.

I guess in this field, there's such a wide span of what could be imagination, guides or spirit. It takes time to learn the difference but once you learn to recognize it, it gets so much easier to trust yourself. I'm not saying it gets easier, you simply adapt to discern and trust your intuition. One last thing, when it comes to differentiating between your self and spirit, you'll have more than one sense involved, meaning for example, if you're clairaudient, you'll not only hear phrases or words (mostly in your own inner voice) but you'll experience a feeling and/or an emotion along with it. It's typically not an isolated sense. I'll explain that later in a future post.


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