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Analytical and Woo Woo?

Can you be woo woo without being too woo woo? I don't blindly accept what I'm told, as should anyone but I also question Everything. Always have. Is it possible to have a scientific and spiritual mindset while still staying grounded? Well, I believe so. I've tried to balance both sides for a long time now, is it possible to feel like an outsider among the outsiders? What am I talking about, of course, it's easy to feel isolated among like minded people. Especially when you find your rational thought process constantly invading when you're trying to let go and just be. I sometimes feel like that kid in the back of the classroom with her hand raised during a discussion asking the questions that everyone knows is going to slow down the lecture and make the instructor give a lengthy explanation. Why, why, why, oh and how? If it requires me to just blindly accept an instruction, I struggle with the concept, I really want to know the mechanics of how it works, why it work

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