Reiki Practice Session Day 1
I am now Reiki 1 certified, I completed the class yesterday and got my attunement. I'm super excited to begin this new journey and see what unfolds. I will keep my notes and journal from here as I practice daily before I move to Level 2, I don't really think I have the urge to become a Master but we'll see. Things could change. Today, I followed the steps to practice self reiki, I focused on my Root chakra and did my meditation. It wasn't for as long as required but I did feel something. When I did my meditation on my forehead, I felt an unexpected warmth and tingle down the side of my head. My body has been aching all day, just a general soreness and I can't seem to warm up since being in that cold studio. That experience of the class was interesting and I'll have to write about tomorrow. I'm fairly tired right now. I did do a practice session on a relative and I felt for the first time-the energy. It was subtle and intense at the same time, almost startli...